A shitty, nonsensical poetry from me

"The Prophecy"

Blood splattered all over the road
Screaming and laughter blended into one
In the darkest of night
Killing, that's all I could see
Those. . .bastards laughed as they did it
Innocent lives were taken 
As if they were weed pulled out of the ground

But there's something
There is truth 
Truth behind all this
Truth which if spoken, could've prevented this. . .doomsday
But I was too scared
I was a coward, and still am
I could've told the truth but I didn't
For they wouldn't believe me
Couldn't blame them
I understood, I really did

I've seen this all of these coming
Yet I didn't utter a word
I let this happened
I've foreseen it
In my prophecy


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