How It Feels Like To Have A Crush On Someone You Do Not Have The Guts To Confess To

            Have you ever had a crush on someone? Having a crush means that you like someone or have a feeling for someone in particular. The word “crush” refers to the person you have the feelings for. Having a crush on someone can be a tough job, especially when you do not have the courage to confess to them and just keep it to yourself. In this essay I will explain about how it feels to have a crush on, the impacts it has on you, and how to overcome the problem.    
            Loving and caring about someone is the very nature of us as human beings. We developed these abilities as we were created to be social beings. It means that we need other people in our lives. Having a crush on someone tends to be experienced by young people. They may fall in love with their close friends, someone they just met in a party, or even with someone they have never met. It can be a fun thing to be experienced: you wait for them to enter the calssroom, have a chat with them in social media, or to do some little things such as helping them with their homeworks yet they all feel like big deals to you. Everything seems brighter. You feel the air around you fresher in your lungs. Seeing them keeps you up every single day. Falling in love with them makes you wake up with a big smile in your face every morning.
            But all those spirit-pumping things can be disastrous once you realize that you do not have the guts to tell the person you love that you do care about them. Deep down you know that you should talk to them, tell them the truth yet something prevents you from doing so. If you just keep it that way and let yourself in such situation for quite some time, it will affect and consume you. First of all, it will make you lose your focus and concentration: you will not do your works right, you will be distracted, your head feels dizzy (literally and figuratively), and so on. You will find it difficult to do things you actually keen on.
            Second, it will make you tired and unhappy. You keep thinking about that one person whom you do not even know has mutual feelings for you or not. Your time and energy will be wasted on that person. You will be exhausted. This leads you to feel unhappy. You might look happy on the outside yet devastated inside, or as youngsters call it feeling “dead inside”. At the end of the day, it drains you.
            And the third one, you will suffer from stress and feel underpressure. Frequently thinking and worrying about someone you think or know you can not have sure will make you going mad. Overthinking sure kills you. It is a very stressful thing to do. You feel you are not worthy. You think you do not deserve them. This will lead you to fel underpressure all the time.
            Those are several impacts it can has on you. Now that we have talked about it, there is a question still remains: how does one overcome this problem? Here, the author will try to share his tips on how to stop having a crush and forget about the person you have feelings for based on his very own experience. First of all, you can try the easiest yet the most stunning and risky thing to do and you will need a strong intention to do this: limit your interaction and contact with her. The idea is the less you meet or talk to her, the easier for you to forget and stop liking them. It sure needs a lot of will power. Imagine: you have to limit interaction with that one particular person you love. It will be painful, will it not? And do not forget that the author says it is risky earlier. Why? Because it can cost you your friendship with them. One second you talk much to them, then all of a sudden you stop doing it. The thing is, do not do it all of a sudden! Do it slowly and try to not make it obvious.
            Second, you can distract yourself from them by doing the things you like. We all do have hobbies, do we not? Try doing your hobbies just like you usually do. If you keep doing this, chances are you will be distracted and trained to keep your focus away from them. And doing your hobbies sure will bring more positive vibes to your lives!
            And the last one, you can talk to someone you trust. Having someone to talk to is an important thing. They do not have to be the one who always give you advices or solutions, although it is better if they do. They can be the kind of person who will be there and listen to you, whom you can share you thoughts to. Sharing what is on your mind helps you reduce your burden and makes your head less dizzy. It also might help you to find solutions to your problem. So if you have anyone close to you, try to talk to them now!
            Courage is a very exspensive to acquire. It takes a lot of efforts  to gain and maintain courage. Not every one of us has the courage to talk and confess to their crushes. And it costs us our jobs, our daily lives, or even our friendship with the person we love and care about. So, if you currently experience the same feeling at the moment, may this article helps you!


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