
The Invasion of Poland (1939)

  Hitler inspects GErman soldiers march into Poland (1939)             World War 2 is the deadliest conflict in the history of man. Around 70 - 85 million people lost their lives during the six years war betwen the Axis and Allied forces. The war lasted from 1939   until 1945. One of the first things that marked the beginning of   World War 2 is the German and Soviet Union invasion on Poland in 1939. In this essay, the author will explain about the invasion of Poland and the aftermath that followed.             The invasion of Poland, also known as Kampania wrzeĊ›niowa (Poland invasion) or   the Wojna obronna 1939 roku ( 1939 defensive w ar) in Poland and Polenfeldzug ( Poland campaign) in German, happened as German and Russia invaded and annexed the whole country: the German invasion began on 1 September 1939   and Soviet Union 17 September 1939. It began one week after the signing of Molotov-Ribbentrop pact betwen German and Soviet Union. German forces invaded Poland almos

How It Feels Like To Have A Crush On Someone You Do Not Have The Guts To Confess To

            Have you ever had a crush on someone? Having a crush means that you like someone or have a feeling for someone in particular. The word “crush” refers to the person you have the feelings for. Having a crush on someone can be a tough job, especially when you do not have the courage to confess to them and just keep it to yourself. In this essay I will explain about how it feels to have a crush on, the impacts it has on you, and how to overcome the problem.                  Loving and caring about someone is the very nature of us as human beings. We developed these abilities as we were created to be social beings. It means that we need other people in our lives. Having a crush on someone tends to be experienced by young people. They may fall in love with their close friends, someone they just met in a party, or even with someone they have never met. It can be a fun thing to be experienced: you wait for them to enter the calssroom, have a chat with them in social media, or

My (Greatest) Achievement in Life

My First Trip to Bukit Kaba Achievemment comes in many ways and forms. Everyone has their own views regarding this particular matter. The way I see it, an achievement is something that one succeeded to reach after going through struggle and suffering in the process. It does not have to be a big thing; it could be a small thing in which we fight against the odds to accomplish it. Every achievements we have won is a reminder: that we have fought hard, bled, and survived the inevitable; that everything we have accomplished is a battle scar which we wear with proud and pride, and that we will never forget them. Not one bit. I, too, have my own achievements, though I am just going to share one of them: an achievement I just recently accomplished. A big one. It was all started about one week ago, when a few of my fellow English students and I were planning to go somewhere for a vacation.   I thought “yeah, why the hell not?”. There were several options of destinations yet we still h

My Simple Analysis on 'Save Martha' Scene in "Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice Ultimate Edition (2016)"

My Simple Analysis on ‘Save Martha’ Scene in “Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice Ultimate Edition (2016)” 'The Fight Night'             There are so many controversies surrounding this movie. In fact, this is one of the most controversial superhero movies of all time. I personally love this movie, tho. I think it’s an interesting take on The Man of Steel, Superman and The Caped Crusader, Batman. Directed by Zack Snyder, the man behind “Dawn of The Dead (2004) and “300 (2007)”, this movie came out in 2016 and has since caused so many controversies among criticss, audiences, and fans alike. On this article, I will talk about one particular scene that is so infamous it’s still discussed to this day as I write it. This is   my own personal take on this matter and is an honest opinion. I’m open to any perspective so feel free to dicuss! The infamous 'Save Martha' scene             The infamous ‘Save Martha’ scene begins at the end of ‘The Fight Night’

A shitty, nonsensical poetry from me

"The Prophecy " Blood splattered all over the road Screaming and laughter blended into one In the darkest of night Killing, that's all I could see Those. . .bastards laughed as they did it Innocent lives were taken  As if they were weed pulled out of the ground But there's something There is truth  Truth behind all this Truth which if spoken, could've prevented this. . .doomsday But I was too scared I was a coward, and still am I could've told the truth but I didn't For they wouldn't believe me Couldn't blame them I understood, I really did I've seen this all of these coming Yet I didn't utter a word I let this happened I've foreseen it In my prophecy

My "Translation" Assignment (Tugas Translasiku)

The Benefits of Writing as A Hobby    When writing becomes someone’s hobby, it will be beneficial to  give him a space of self-actualization, to stimulate his cleverness, and  to make him fluent in language use. Lots of people do not have a good  medium to express themselves, and this case can trigger boredom as  well as stressfulness. However, those whose hobby is writing are  always capable of killing their boredom and stressfulness by  expressing their feelings and unspoken ideas into papers. They can even make use of their spare time effectively and create their own positive world through writing. Perhaps, this is what a good novel  writer does. In addition, in the aspect of psychology, being  accustomed to writing can make someone naturally creative and  easier to share or state what he has got in his mind. He will naturally  become more literate, more critical, and clever because his brain is  always triggered to be actively working insofar as he is doi